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Restaurant de ravioli chinois la plus acclamée de l'Est du Canada
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To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.
En bouche, le bouillon est goûteux, profond, pas épicé, juste bien mijoté. La viande hachée, elle, fond toute seule. À essayer par jour de grand froid. Réchauffement sympathique garanti.
The shape, closure and filling of soup buns distinguish them from other pockets of joy — like mini water balloons, they’re ready to explode all over your shirt if not handled properly.
second outpost of much-loved Qing Hua. The 40-odd varieties of dumplings, served in huge portions of 15, feature marriages of land and sea
Is it safe to say that Qing Hua is the king of the dumpling scene in Montreal? I definitely think so.
Téléphone: 438-288-5366
Adresse: 1675 Boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, QC H3H 1J6